For whom the engine knocks?
Many car owners and professionals have been facing the situation where under the hood of the car something starts pounding.
And it causes the biggest discomfort, as you don’t know what would happen next: just continue annoying, stall at the very wrong time, or explode. When you consider that only overhaul will cost at least 5 000 $, it becomes clear that any engine knock unpleasantly evokes thought of contingency spending.
Not every car owner can immediately understand the cause of knocking, the depth of the danger and what to do. For this it is necessary to learn how to evaluate the technical condition of the engine or diagnose it.
Principle diagnostic assay is a complex of diagnostic features derived without dismantling, those features are connected with the other structural parameters (actual state of the parts, assemblies, devices, etc.). Simply put, the diagnosis - is the solution of the logical problem: What that can mean? The easiest way is to go for diagnosis. But here you must remember that car specialists are interested to boost malfunction. It's their money. And how much you will have to pay actually at the end of work, is not clear.
Engine oil additive for restoring engine performance characteristics: compression, power, acceleration, effective fuel consumption, as well as for extending the wear life and protection in emergency situations. It will get rid of oil extra usage and engine smoke.
Classification of knocks
Knocking in the engine can be classified according to the following criteria:
By the level of sound (loudness or sound pressure), knocks can be very strong, you cannot kill, in this case you have to stop the engine and towed the car to be repaired.
Knocks can be medium. Such knocks can drown out by the loud music. You can still continue driving, but in direction to diagnose.
Knocks can be weak. It is necessary to listen in the silence with the open hood. So you can take care of it later.
In some cases knocking may occur shortly after the repair or in the new car. Then this defect of the repair or assembly.
Knocks may appear soon after the oil change. And then it means the oil is defective. Knocks may appear shortly after refueling. And then it is the defective fuel. Knocks may occur after the motor overload when driving fast or after cargo transportation. And, then it is the defective driver. Gratuitously knocking appear only because of normal wear and tear, which led to a limiting of engine parts.
On the dynamics of the intensity of knocking can occur suddenly and may not change over time. This result is a knock-speed processes due to the above-mentioned defects and damage of the parts due to exceeding the limit cycle fatigue. Other knocks appear imperceptibly and gradually increase. This is the result of the wear.
Knocks can be sonant (ringing). They are hits of hard metal parts of large amplitude without interlayer oil.
Clunks or unvoiced sounds occur when striking parts, one of which is made of soft metal or has damping oil, or small amplitude.
By cycling knocks may be proportional to the engine speed, and then it's the fault of the cylinder group, crank mechanism, timing and other details related to the engine cycle. Also they may be accidental knocks. This may be part of the other objects (from the mechanical point of view), or defect of the work of combustion system.
You can come up with the bigger number of classifications, and all of them will be correct. This implies that the probability of assessing the technical condition by specific knock is not very accurate.
However you can significantly limit the number of causes for one specific knocking. For example, you can use a friction-reducing resource prolonging Lubricant ATOMIUM that can eliminate almost all causes of knocks connected with wear and tear. Moreover, not only is the cost of this operation is lower than the cost of diagnosis, so still, and really, you can start the process of restoring the technical condition of the engine.
- When can you use the method of diagnosis of the engine knocks by yourself?
- It is clear that when the engine knocks are significant ATOMIUM Lubricants won’t help. But with all the others mentioned above knocks ATOMIUM will work as panacea!
If there is no effect (the knock won’t disappear) after the 1st and 2nd stage of ATOMIUM treatment that may in indicate that the cause is knocking was:
- excessive wear, beyond recovery;
- the presence of foreign objects, including the broken-off parts of the engine;
- fuel system malfunction. For diesel engines as an additional diagnosis you can apply ATOMIUM for High Pressure Fuel Pumps. ATOMIUM HPFP can eliminate the cause of noises due to violation of the conditions of quality of fuel combustion (provided operable jets);
- systematic violation of the acceptable modes of the vehicle operation, as well as the use of low-quality fuel and lubricating oils;
- the processes that are not connected with the cycle of the engine, mounted units and auxiliary systems.
In most of these cases it is advisable to contact auto repair service!
But remember, applying ATOMIUM you will definitely receive:
- Increase of the engine lifetime in 1,5-2 times (due to wear intensity decreasing);
- Increase of the engine effective power (as a result of fuel combustion quality improvement, decreasing combustion gas leakages to carter, and drop of friction losses);
- Maximum protection of the engine in extreme working conditions, also during overloading, overheating, and at the «cold start-up»;
- Easy start at low temperatures;
- Decrease of the fuel consumption by 8-10 % (as a result of compression recovering and combustion quality improvement);
- Decrease of the noise and vibration levels by 5-10 dB (due to forming of thick and resistant lubrication “pillow” and clearances optimization);
- Decrease of the exhaust CO/CH emissions up to. 50 % (as a result of improvement of combustion quality);
- Possibility of short-time run under oil starvation conditions or when oil or oil pressure is completely lost;
- Restoration of the work of hydro-compensators (tappets).
- In addition ATOMIUM technology allows you to diagnose and recover parts of the vehicle such as gearboxes and transfer cases, differentials, power steering, high pressure fuel pumps, CV joints and bearing units.