A city, traffic jams… It's a torture rather than driving: the car is stuck in traffic jams for hours but the engine hammers. The driver feels bad, hot, bored and hungry, and is late wherever he or she goes. The engine also is having a tough time. Although there is none or little engine load, low idle and lack of cooling cause some problems.
Idle speed means zero delivery throttle for gasoline engines and minimum fuel supply for diesel engines. Closed throttle is very bad for engines. It leads to increased resistance of intake system and reduced interfin velocity, which results in reduced ventilation of combustion chambers and reduced combustion efficiency. The fuel burns slowly and dirty, which results in increased deposits in chamber and engine inlet and outlet.
And reduced combustion efficiency leads to increase of the amount of unburned fuel that enters the engine crankcase with gases. The more there are, the less tight the piston rings fit to the cylinder surface. Less RPM means more leakages. Gasoline getting into oil is bad for multiple reasons.
· Firstly, the rate of oil deterioration accelerates sharply.
· Secondly, the oil viscosity reduces.
· Thirdly, fuel vapors in the engine crankcase can explode in case of insufficient ventilation.
Traffic jams also severely wear out an engine! Some may say "Why? There is no load at all! It means that an engine shouldn't be wearing out." That is not so! Despite the idle run, the parts are under some load because the engine is running. The fuel is burning and there are some inertial forces. But the thickness of the oil film that separates the surfaces of contacting parts is minimal in idle condition and cannot enable their operation without direct contact. That is why the engine is wearing out in idle condition, and it's wearing down severely!
Also, due to insufficient cooling at dead idle speed, the engine gets too hot. The use of the radiator fan is helpful, but an indicator showing 90 degrees Celsius of coolant temperature is not always informative here. On the outside, the temperature is normal but in this condition the temperature of combustion chamber surface areas can be rather high. That is why engine knocking is possible, if you go at full throttle right after getting stuck in traffic! If you push the pedal to the metal, at first you'll hear some notable engine knocks. This may cause burned pistons and valves.
Engine oil additive for restoring engine performance characteristics: compression, power, acceleration, effective fuel consumption, as well as for extending the wear life and protection in emergency situations. It will get rid of oil extra usage and engine smoke.
You'll have to put up with some problems, like insufficient engine cooling. But keeping that in mind, you can do some preventative work. For example, you can wash the engine because oily dirt on the engine cylinder walls provides additional heat insulation and thus enhances the likelihood of engine overheating.
But other problems can be solved by an engine treatment with compounds under brand name of Atomium.
Let's remember what causes the problems. One of the reasons is an increased crankcase blow-by. The injection of Atomium compounds into the oil significantly improves the quality of cylinder seal. Firstly, they delete the evidences of the previous hectic life of an engine: scratches, chips, pitting on the faces of cylinders and piston rings. And a large portion of leakages goes through them from the combustion chamber to the crankcase. In fact, these compounds also significantly reduce the oil burning but let's just say it's an icing on the cake. Secondly, the treatment process starts with thorough washing of the lateral surface of a piston and piston grooves from deposits. That's what a Atomium compound does, that's how it works. Removing the deposits in the operation area of the piston rings can increase their mobility. If they were gummed, which means immobile and inoperative, they would restart to seal the combustion chamber.
The engine treatment with the Atomium compounds also efficiently solves the problem of the "traffic jam wear". This is due to multiple factors. The main factor is a tear-proof layer formation, when injecting the compound into the oil, which reduces the engine components wear rate. But it is also important that the better fit of the piston rings to the cylinders reduces the wear areas. The increased oil change period that is always observed on the engines treated with the Atomium compounds also contributes to reduced wear.
The conclusion is simple... If you want to make your engine's life easier, when stuck in traffic jams, and save nerves and cut corners on repairs, try to use the Atomium compounds. We recommend it!