Living water or a cure for old age?

Is it possible to revive a "dead" engine without major repairs, but only with the help of miraculous additives in engine oil? Unfortunately, no. And anyone who promises to create such a miracle is an ordinary charlatan. Do you know who said that? The specialists of “Atomium”, a manufacturer of tribotechnical compounds – the ones additives for "restoring worn-out engines." It is for restoration, not for revival - they do not deal with resurrection miracles here. And by the way, they also do not encourage operating the engine without oil, although they have demonstrated this trick many times at various exhibitions.

MH-transport truck family

Proof that Atomium products for engines, gearboxes and hydraulics are not only used by ordinary motorists, but also by professionals and experts at their word is the CEO of MH-TRANSPORT CZ s. r. o. Mr Marek Hulák, operating domestic and international export and import transport of DAF Trucks throughout Europe. And since he is one of our loyal customers and his ever-growing fleet and expanding company can be inspiring to many, we asked him a few questions.

Motorrauch, der weiße Rauch, der schwarze Rauch, blauer oder taubenfarbener Rauch

Wenn Autofahrer unsere Website besuchen, stoßen sie jeden Tag auf folgende Fragen: "Mein Motor raucht, was ist das?", "Warum raucht der Motor", "Der Motor raucht, wenn es kalt ist, warum ist das so?"

Symptoms and Solving Problems with Your Vehicles’ Fuel Injector

The injector is an extremely important component in your vehicle and any issues with the fuel injector can result in many mechanical problems. To detect and determine if your engine is facing issues with the fuel injector and to find easy solutions, Read ON!

Preserving Compression of Diesel Engines - The Extensive Guide

We all understand that a diesel engine is different than a petrol engine in certain characteristics, but that is not all. The main difference that keeps these two apart is the compression ratio. Since diesel is a bit thicker and more powerful than petrol, it can be compressed to higher pressure and give out more power.

Automatic gearbox and engine rpm drop: what to do and how to fix

One of the problems faced by the modern car owners is automatic gearbox.

Engine with the big mileage

For the engines with the big mileage or for the engines with the bad technical condition -treatment process with tribotechnical compound Atomium is divided by two steps


If the compression in the cylinder has fallen, the compression is restored to its nominal values and aligned with the cylinders at the beginning of the 2nd stage of processing

High engine oil consumption causes, consequences, diagnostics

Increased or high oil consumption in the engine is a common phenomenon and therefore causes the interest of most motorists.


Do you think it's easy for a car to run in summer?  It is just a popular belief that if a car wasn't driven in winter, it'll stay in a better condition!


A city, traffic jams… It's a torture rather than driving: the car is stuck in traffic jams for hours but the engine hammers. The driver feels bad, hot, bored and hungry, and is late wherever he or she goes.


It is commonly known that the service life of an engine, its economical operation, acceleration capability and starting characteristics depend on the lubricating oil.


What Causes a Car Engine to Smoke? What does it mean when your car motor is smoking?

Excessive oil consumption: causes, common problems, consequences, troubleshooting

INCREASED OR high oil consumption in the engine is a common case and that is why gains our attention.

Fuel consumption

The large part of all the engines, including car engines, run on hydrocarbon fuels. That is, they use the energy of the Earth. During combustion the energy of molecular bonds emits.

Engine smokes, the white smoke, the Black Smoke, blue or dove-colored smoke

Every day motorists visit our site with questions "my engine smokes, what is it?", "why does the engine smoke", "the engine smokes on cold, why?", etc., but, unfortunately very often we can't give a definite

For whom the engine knocks?

Many car owners and professionals have been facing the situation where under the hood of the car something starts pounding.

Saving Private Liner (Additives Tests)

Pressure dropped … Call evacuator? cling «on a tie»? or to try to crawl to service by yourself? And can special medicines added to oil help here?