Oil additives to clean up, restore and extend life of car engines

Ready and filled in a branded bottle engine oil additive “Atomium” consists of balanced combinations of specially crushed minerals of the group of layered silicates (serpentines, talc-chlorites, etc.). in Addition to minerals, the compositions contain a carrier: 99.5 - 95% oil without additives of yellow colour. It should be understood that ready-to-use additives in oil are not a solution, that is, a homogeneous liquid, but a suspension, where the solid substance (crushed minerals) must be distributed as tiny particles in the liquid substance in a suspended (not settled) condition. This is why the solid part on the bottom of the bottle must be thoroughly mixed before use.

PROMO PACK Engine treatment | Atomium "Active Plus" | Motor oil additive
Gasoline, Diesel, Gas
Oil additive for restoring characteristics of diesel, gasoline, gas (LPG, CNG) of passenger cars with any mileage as for new...
100,55 €
90 ml
Engine treatment | Atomium "Active-PLUS" | Motor oil additive
Gasoline, Diesel, Gas
Oil additive for restoring characteristics of all types of engines: diesel, gasoline, gas (LPG, CNG) for any mileage as for...
33.55 €
90 ml
Diesel engine treatment | Atomium "Active Plus Diesel" | Motor oil additive | for diesel engines with big mileage, for restoring compression, power and eliminating oil consumption
Oil additive for restoring characteristics of diesel engines with mileage more than 50.000 kilometers. increases compression, power, acceleration, reduces fuel...
33.55 €
90 ml
Oil Additive Active Standard for non-turbocharged engines with a volume of up to 1.6 liters to eliminate oil consumption, bullying, restore compression and power
Gasoline, Diesel, Gas
Engine oil additive (Tribotechnical compound)  "Active STANDARD" is an additive in engine oil for the restoration of the piston group...
19.57 €
75 ml
Atomium "Active Diesel" | Diesel engine oil additive | for new diesel engines, for restoring compression, power and eliminating oil consumption
Motor oil additive for restoring engine performance characteristics: compression, power, acceleration, effective fuel consumption, as well as for extending the...
33.55 €
90 ml
Atomium "Active Gasoline" | Gasoline engine oil additive | for new gasoline engines, for restoring compression, power and eliminating oil consumption
Engine oil additive for restoring engine performance characteristics: compression, power, acceleration, effective fuel consumption, as well as for extending the...
33.11 €
90 ml
Engine oil additive to clean engine| Atomium "Engine flush 200" | Long-term soft flushing of the engine oil system
Gasoline, Diesel, Gas
Long-term flushing ATOMIUM APROHIM™ is designed to clean the internal surfaces of the engine from long-standing deposits, removes black sludge...
8.20 €
285 ml
Motor oil additive Atomium "Active Regular" (Active Regular) to engine oil of the car | to maintain the effect after treatment, reduce wear, overload protection and prolong the service life
Gasoline, Diesel, Gas
Oil additive to maintain performance characteristics and reduced wear of any type of engine after its complete treatment with other...
17.82 €
100 ml
Truck engine treatment | Atomium "MAX Engine" | Diesel truck oil additive
Gasoline, Diesel, Gas
Engine oil additive is designed to protect against wear, extend the life and restore the characteristics of diesel engines with...
73 €
200 ml

How the compounds works

The base of the metal parts of the internal combustion engine, obtained during casting, has a regular crystal lattice. This lattice is able to actively interact with surrounding substances due to free electrons. In the surface layer of metal, this structure is distorted during machining, and during operation (especially in conditions beyond the limits of normal operation: when cold start, overload, or sports driving mode), the surface of the part is covered with carbon, lacquers and oxides. As a result, all this affects the interaction of the metal surface with the carbon chains of the oil, determining the efficiency of its operation. The function of the engine oil is reduced, as a result, the wear rate of parts increases.
In the first stage to the engine additive "Atomium" acts as a mild abrasive. The compound cleans the metal surface from oxides and lacquers, levelling the sharpest protrusions and roughness of the friction surface.
After this, the second stage begins, in which the tribotechnical compound acts as an accelerator of the reaction of diffusion processes, contributing to the joining of metal particles to the surface layer of the part, which are in the working oil. Thus, the tribotechnical compound starts the process of forming a new metal structure, which has a porous structure and consists of the same metal as the part itself. The formed layer has a thickness of up to 10 micrometres. This new structure is able to hold a large number of oil-carbon chains on the surface of the part. As a result, the engine narrows the gaps between the friction surfaces and retains a denser oil layer, which leads to improved operation of the unit. Parameters such as pressure, density of the oil layer, and temperature come into a state of energy balance and the new layer stops growing. But in case of surface wear, the geo-modifier particles re-activate the build-up process to restore the balance of the entire system. The crystals of layered silicates in the "Atomium" tribocompound are one hundred percent (100%) natural mineral and do not react with chemically active additives of the standard package, which allows you to preserve the original properties of the oil.

Treatments effects:

  • Increases the overall resource of engine parts;
  • Increases the hydraulic density of the cylinder-piston group (CPG), which means increased power;
  • Reduced friction losses, which reduces the consumption of diesel fuel and gasoline;
  • Reduced gas break in the crankcase;
  • Reduces the consumption and fumes of oil, and this leads, among other things, to a decrease in toxicity and smokiness;
  • Lubricating oil is less oxidized and its resource increases;
  • The protective layer restores the operation of hydraulic compensators;
  • Cylinder compression is restored, which also leads to smooth engine operation: noise and vibration are reduced;
  • The zone of hydrodynamic friction is expanding.