ATOMIUM AGSB 80 - reviews
Automatic transmission oil additive to remove jerks and shakes during shifting in automatic transmissions, reduce noise and vibrations, protect gears and bearings against wear.
It also helps to restore belt tension in CVT (continuously variable transmissions), eliminate chain slips, extend service life of cones. Suitable for any brand of gearbox and for any type of transmission fluid.
Atomium AGSB is chemically neutral and doesn’t change properties of transmission oil.
Automatic transmission additive | Atomium AGSB | gearbox oil additive to fix hard shifting | for elimination of shocks and jerks, protection and recovery, reviews
Hi, I'm living in Cyprus, do you have any representatives here and how to get Atomium here?
I used AGSB on variable transmission. It helped a lot to increase the grip of the belt, the smell of burnt oil disappeared and the CVT became much more cheerful. Thanks!
According to personal feelings, CVT began to work quieter and softer
I have been using Atomium for more than 5 years. Use every oil change for the automatic transmission box and in the engine. Everyone makes their own decision to buy or not, but it is effective. Even if it does not cure for 100%, but for the prevention and saving money on future repairs it is very useful!
Hello, I am very pleased with the additives, I liked the result. I really didn't expect it. Keep innovating for keeping the cars running.
Это прорсто бомба!!! Блин советская акпп давала такие пинки при переключениях с 1 на 2 что все пассажиры падали со своих стульев и стекали в конец автобуса. Да это вам не пинки на каких нибуть ваших маздах, тут пинок дак пинок. Короче после заливки этой присадки все стало просто супер переключений передач просто савсем не возможэно отследить, будто поливаешь на безступенчатом вариаторе.
This is a great additive!! Automatic transmission, which was made in USSR, had some issues with switching from 1 to 2 gear, everybody in this bus was feeling strong kicks. These are not the transmission kicks like in Mazda or so, Soviet gearbox kicks very strongly. So after applying this additive, everything turned out great, switches are so smooth, that you can barely feel it, like on the CVT
Bought for Mitsubishi Galant 9, mileage 197,000 km. Сhanged transmission oil every 60,000 . At the moment, gearbox was work well, but there are small bumps when switching to reverse gear and when switching from 2 to 3 gear. use additive for the first time in my life, so itwas very interesting to see the effect. So, I add this additive according to the instructions in the already warmed-up car (first I took a clean stick, scraped and stirred the sediment from the bottom, and only then shook the jar well). Filled before a trip of 150 km long, and the other day 150 km. back. With a pure heart, I declare that the effect exists. it appeared when I was driving back. The kick when switching to reverse disappeared forever, even when it was cold. Kick when switching from 2 to 3 gear a little still feel cold, but as the car warms up disappears completely! And so, nothing else has changed in the behavior of the car, the consumption is the same, the dynamics seem to be the same, only now I watch with pleasure as it switches from 2 to 3 gear . As a result, I can say that the additive met expectations, I am satisfied:)
Bin zufrieden, alles top.Habe schon 2 Mal gekauft. Meine Meinung nach, Automatikgetriebe funktioniert danach weicher, Aufschlag beim Schalten seltener geworden.
I'm satisfied, everything top. Have already bought 2 Times. In my opinion, automatic transmission works softer after that, impact when shifting becomes less frequent.
I liked the effect of automatic gearbox additive. After about 200-300 kilometers of mileage after refilling it, jerks when switching at low and medium engine speeds stopped, and after about the same time, jerks stopped at high speeds when switching.I drove about 1500-2000 kilometers with atomium, then changed the oil in the automatic transmission. It works normally, without jerks and slips.
I 've been taking advantage of additives for the engine, automatic gearbox, and axles for a long time. I am very happy with the result, the noise has become much less, the transmission works and switches speeds clearer, the engine power has grow because of optimized compression, and by the way, the dirt in the engine have become much less with each oil change
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